§ 12. Mr. Sainsburyasked the Secretary of State for Transport whether he is satisfied with the information available to him on which to judge the benefits that might be obtained from the construction of bypasses.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeYes.
§ Mr. SainsburyI hope that we can all be encouraged by that answer. Is my hon. and learned Friend really satisfied that the Department is able to present to inquiries into proposed bypass schemes such as that impending for Brighton and Hove up-to-date evidence of the "before and after" effect on items such as noises and fumes?
§ Mr. ClarkeThe most elaborate analysis is now carried out on the effects of proposed bypasses on fuel savings, time savings, accident costs and so on, as well as evidence about environmental effects and other matters. Our public inquiry system is now quite exhaustive and I am sure that the forthcoming Brighton bypass inquiry, which particularly affects my hon. Friend, will be a very full one, giving a complete picture on the matters to 'which he refers.
§ Mr. Gwilym RobertsWill the Minister remind some of his Cabinet colleagues of the devastating effect that the proposed cuts in Government statistical services will have on the availability of this type of information?
§ Mr. ClarkeAbsolutely no cut is being made in the availability of information on which we make the cost-benefit analysis of road schemes. As much of the work involves road surveys, I am glad to say that we are likely to automate our road survey information collection system in order to get efficient statistics at minimum administrative cost.
§ Mr. SquireWhen my hon. and learned Friend, who I know has considered the matter at great length, considers the possible bypassing of Rainham village by the A13, will he take into account the exhaustive, as he says—and no doubt exhausting—statistics available to him and ensure that he comes to the right conclusion?
§ Mr. ClarkeI hope that my office will be contacting my hon. Friend again in the very near future so that we may have yet another of our talks about improvements to the A13 in the vicinity of Rainham. I am aware of his concern and I can tell him that we shall be making a decision soon.