HC Deb 18 January 1978 vol 942 cc434-6
9. Mr. Canavan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he next expects to meet the STUC.

Mr. Gregor MacKenzie

My right hon. Friend has agreed to meet the STUC again but no date has yet been arranged.

Mr. Canavan

Does my right hon. Friend realise that it is now about four months since he had discussions with the STUC about the Scottish Timber Product situation at Cowie, in my constituency, and that there is increasing concern among the work force and others about the long delay in this matter? If it is the case that no suitable buyer comes in with a firm offer for the company, will the Minister ask the Scottish Development Agency to consider taking over complete ownership of the company under the terms of Section 2 of the Scottish Development Agency Act?

Mr. MacKenzie

On the first part of my hon. Friend's question, I am very conscious of the delay and of his concern and that of the shop stewards, whom I met only on Friday of last week with my hon. Friend. Negotiations are taking place at present and I would not wish to say anything which would in any way jeopardise the prospects for those negotiations, which I hope will come to a successful conclusion.

Mr. Crawford

Will the Minister tell the STUC that the Labour Government last night disgracefully voted against one of the things dearest to the heart of the STUC—namely, that the SDA should be devolved to the Scottish Assembly? Does he agree that the Government's vote against devolving the SDA to the Scottish Assembly will seriously hamper the SDA in its work?

Mr. MacKenzie

I heard what the hon. Gentleman had to say last night. I was slightly puzzled because he seems to be completely misrepresenting the view of the STUC.

Mr. Buchan

When my right hon. Friend meets the STUC, would it not be useful to have a general discussion on the whole question of the continual misrepresentations and lies that are uttered in this House about the attitude of the STUC to this matter? This is just the most recent example. There have been several. I think that it should be stopped.

Mr. MacKenzie

I think that the STUC, which I meet frequently, made a fair assessment of the attitude of the SNP to industrial matters. That was brought to a head when we had the public tearing-up of telegrams on the whole question of the nationalisation of the shipbuilding industry.

Mr. Alexander Fletcher

Would it not help if the Minister suggested to the STUC that it should reconvene the one-day conferences on Scottish unemployment which it used to hold some years ago under the Conservative Government when the numbers of unemployed were fewer than half the present figure?

Mr. MacKenzie

The STUC meets frequently. It is both publicly and privately candid in its attitude and puts for ward its views in a spirit of friendship, which I appreciate. I do not think that the STUC draws any distinction between Conservative and Labour Administrations.