§ Order read for resuming adjourned de-date on Amendment proposed [27th May], on Consideration of Bill, as amended in the Standing Committee.
§ Which Amendment was, in page 40, line 30, to leave out the word 'any' and insert 'related' instead thereof.
§ Question again proposed.
§ 4.5 p.m.
§ Mr. SpeakerThe time for the conclusion of the proceedings on Part III of the Bill has passed, so I will now put the Question on Amendment No. 113, which stands first on the Notice Paper in the name of the hon. Member for Glasgow, Cathcart (Mr. Edward M. Taylor). I shall then put forthwith the Question on any other Amendment to Part III which is moved by a member of the Government.
§ Mr. Peter Walker (Worcester)On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I realise that it is no fault of the Government, but one-third of the time allocated to Part III of the Bill has been taken up by the previous proceedings. This means that the question of the National Bus Company, which will have borrowing powers of £130 million, will not be debated.
§ Would it not be possible for the Government to move a new sittings Motion to enable proper discussion of this matter to take place?
§ Mr. SpeakerI am not without sympathy with the hon. Gentleman, but this, again, is a matter for the Government and not for me.
§ Mr. R. H. Turton (Thirsk and Malton)With great respect, Mr. Speaker, we are working to a Motion, passed by the House, which says:
… each part of the Proceedings shall, if not previously brought to a conclusion, be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in the third column of that table ".Part III was not previously brought to a conclusion, the time specified in the third part of the table has been passed, and I therefore submit that this Order of the House is null and void by reason of what has happened.
§ Mr. SpeakerI am sure that the right hon. Gentleman, the Father of the House, is not unaware that Mr. Speaker had already considered the problem this morning. Earlier this afternoon we gave a certain item precedence over the Orders of the Day. It is my duty now to finish with Part III at the earliest possible moment after four o'clock.
§ Question put, That the Amendment be made: —
§ The House divided: Ayes 231, Noes 282.
1551Division No. 183.] | AYES | [4.10 p.m. |
Alison, Michael (Barkston Ash) | Brown, Sir Edward (Bath) | Deedes, Rt. Hn. W. F. (Ashford) |
Allason, James (Hemel Hempstead) | Bruce-Gardyne, J. | Digby, Simon Wingfietd |
Astor, John | Bryan, Paul | Dodds-Parker, Douglas |
Atkins, Humphrey (M't'n & M'd'n) | Buchanan-Smith,Alick (Angus, N&M) | Doughty, Charles |
Awdry, Daniel | Buck, Antony (Colchester) | Drayson, G. B. |
Baker, Kenneth (Acton) | Bullus, Sir Eric | du Cann, Rt. Hn. Edward |
Baker, W. H. K. (Banff) | Burden, F. A. | Eden, Sir John |
Balniel, Lord | Campbell, Gordon | Elliot, Capt. Walter (Carshalton) |
Batsford, Brian | Carlisle, Mark | Elliott, R.W.(N'c'tle-uponTyne,N.) |
Beamish, Col. Sir Tufton | Carr, Rt. Hn. Robert | Emery, Peter |
Bell, Ronald | Cary, Sir Robert | Errington, Sir Eric |
Bennett, Sir Frederic (Torquay) | Chichester-Clark, R. | Ewing, Mrs. Winifred |
Bennett, Dr. Reginald (Cos. & Fhm) | Clark, Henry | Eyre, Reginald |
Berry, Hn. Anthony | Clegg, Walter | Farr, John |
Bessell, Peter | Cooke, Robert | Fisher, Nigel |
Biffen, John | Corfleld, F. V. | Fletcher-Cooke, Charles |
Biggs-Davison, John | Costain, A. P. | Fortoscue, Tim |
Birch, Rt. Hn. Nigel | Craddock, Sir Beresford (Spelthorne) | Foster, Sir John |
Black, Sir Cyril | Crosthwaite-Eyre, Sir Oliver | Fraser, Rt. Hn. Hugh (St'fford & Stone) |
Blaker, Peter | Crouch, David | Galbraith, Hn. T. G. |
Boardman, Tom (Leicester, S.W.) | Crowder, F. P. | Gibson-Watt, David |
Body, Richard | Cunningham, Sir Knox | Giles, Rear-Adm. Morgan |
Bossom, Sir Clive | Currie, G. B. H. | Gilmour, Ian (Norfolk, C.) |
Boyle, Rt. Hn. Sir Edward | Dalkeith, Earl of | Glyn, Sir Richard |
Braine, Bernard | Dance, James | Goodhart, Philip |
Brewis, John | Davidson,James (Aberdeenshire,W.) | Gower, Raymond |
Brinton, Sir Titton | d'Avigclor-Goldsmid, Sir Henry | Grant, Anthony |
Bromley-Daverport, Lt.-Col. Sir Walter | Dean, Paul (Somerset, N.) | Grant-Ferris, R. |
Gresham Cooke, R. | Lubbock, Eric | Rossi, Hugh (Hornsey) |
Grieve, Percy | McAdden, Sir Stephen | Royle, Anthony |
Griffiths, Eldon (Bury St. Edmunds) | MacArthur, Ian | Russell, Sir Ronald |
Grimond, Rt. Hn. J. | Mackenzie, Alasdair (Ross&Crom'ty) | Scott, Nicholas |
Gurden, Harold | Maclean, Sir Fitzroy | Scott-Hopkins, James |
Hall, John (Wycombe) | Macleod, Rt. Hn. lain | Sharpies, Richard |
Hall-Davis, A. G. F. | McMaster, Stanley | Shaw, Michael (Sc'b'gh & Whitby) |
Hamilton, Michael (Salisbury) | Macmillan, Maurice (Farnham) | Silvester, Frederick |
Harris, Frederic (Croydon, N. W.) | Maddan, Martin | Sinclair, Sir George |
Harrison, Brian (Maldon) | Maginnis, John E. | Smith, Dudley (W'wick & L'mington) |
Harrison, Col. Sir Harwood (Eye) | Marples, Rt. Hn. Ernest | Smith, John (London & W'minster) |
Harvey, Sir Arthur Vere | Marten, Neil | Speed, Keith |
Harvie Anderson, Miss | Mawby, Ray | Stainton, Keith |
Hawkins, Paul | Maydon, Lt.-Cmdr. S. L. C. | Steel, David (Roxburgh) |
Hay, John | Maydon, Lt.-Cmdr. S. L. C. | Steel, David (Roxburgh) |
Heald, Rt. Hn. Sir Lionel | Mills Peter (Torrington) | Stodart, Anthony |
Heath, Rt. Hn. Edward | Mills, Stratton (Belfast, N.) | Stoddart-Scott, Col. Sir M. (Ripon) |
Heseltine, Michael | Mitchell, David (Basingstoke) | Tapsell, Peter |
Higgins, Terence L. | Monro, Hector | Taylor, Sir Charles (Eastbourne) |
Hiley, Joseph | Montgomery, Fergus | Taylor, Edward M. (G'gow, Cathcart) |
Hill, J. E. B. | Morgan, Geraint (Denbigh) | Taylor, Frank (Moss Side) |
Morrison, Charles (Devizes) | ||
Hogg, Rt. Hn. Quintin | Mott-Raddyffe, Sir Charles | Teeling, Sir William |
Holland, Philip | Munro-Lucas-Tooth, Sir Hugh | Temple, John M. |
Hooson, Emlyn | Murton, Oscar | Thorpe, Rt. Hn. Jeremy |
Hordern, Peter | Neave, Airey | Turton, Rt. Hn. R. H. |
Hornby, Richard | Nicholls, Sir Harmar | Vaughan-Morgan, Rt. Hn. Sir John |
Howell, David (Guildford) | Noble, Rt. Hn. Michael | Vickers, Dame Joan |
Hunt, John | Nott, John | Wainwright, Richard (Colne Valley) |
Hutchison, Michael Clark | Onslow Cranley | Walker, Peter (Worcester) |
Iremonger, T. L. | Orr Capt L. P. S. | Walker-Smith, Rt. Hn. Sir Derek |
Irvine, Bryant Godman (Rye) | Orr-Ewing, Sir Ian | Wall, Patrick |
Jenkin, Patrick (Woodford) | Osborne, Sir Cyril (Louth) | Walters, Dennis |
Jennings, J. C. (Burton) | Page, Graham (Crosby) | Webster, David |
Johnson Smith, G. (E. Grinstead) | Page, John (Harrow, W.) | Wells, John (Maidstone) |
Jones, Arthur (Northants, S.) | Pearson, Sir Frank (Clitheroe) | Whitelaw, Rt. Hn. William |
Kaberry, Sir Donald | Peel, John | Williams, Donald (Dudley) |
Kerby, Capt. Henry | Peyton, John | Wills, Sir Gerald (Bridgwater) |
Kershaw, Anthony | Pike, Miss Mervyn | Wilson, Geoffrey (Truro) |
Kimball, Marcus | Pink, R. Bonner | Winstanley, Dr. M. P. |
King, Evelyn (Dorset, S.) | Pounder, Rafton | Wolrige-Gordon, Patrick |
Kirk, Peter | Powell, Rt. Hn. J. Enoch | Wood, Rt. Hn. Richard |
Kitson, Timothy | Price, David (Eastleigh) | Woodnutt, Mark |
Lambton, Viscount | Prior, J. M. L. | Worsley, Marcus |
Lancaster, Col. C. G. | Pym, Francis | Wright, Esmond |
Lane, David | Quennell, Miss J. M. | Wylie, N. R. |
Langford-Holt, Sir John | Rawlinson, Rt. Hn. Sir Peter | Younger, Hn. George |
Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry | Renton, Rt. Hn. Sir David | |
Lewis, Kenneth (Rutland) | Rhys Williams, Sir Brandon | TELLERS FOR THE AYES: |
Lloyd, Rt. Hn. Geofrrey (Sut'nC'dfield) | Ridley, Hn. Nicholas | Mr. Jasper More and Mr. Bernard Weatherill. |
Lloyd, Ian (P'tsm'th, Langstone) | Ridsdale, Julian | |
Longden, Gilbert | Rodgers, Sir John (Sevenoaks) | |
NOES | ||
Abse, Leo | Brown, Bob (N'c'tle-upon-Tyne, W.) | Dell, Edmund |
Albu, Austen | Brown, Hugh D. (G'gow, Provan) | Dempsey, James |
Allaun, Frank (Salford, E.) | Brown, R. W. (Shoreditch & F'bury) | Dewar, Donald |
Altdritt, Walter | Buchan, Norman | Diamond, Rt. Hn. John |
Anderson, Donald | Buchanan, Richard (G'gow, Sp'burn) | Dickens, James |
Archer, Peter | Butler, Herbert (Hackney, C.) | Dobson, Ray |
Armstrong, Ernest | Butler, Mrs. Joyce (Wood Green) | Doig, Peter |
Atkins, Ronald (Preston, N.) | Cant, R. B. | Driberg, Tom |
Atkinson, Norman (Tottenham) | Carmichael, Neil | Dunnett, Jack |
Bacon, Rt. Hn. Alice | Carter-Jones, Lewis | Dunwoody, Dr. John (F'th & C'b'e) |
Barnes, Michael | Castle, Rt. Hn. Barbara | Eadie, Alex |
Barnett, Joel | Chapman, Donald | Edwards, Robert (Bilston) |
Baxter, Wiliam | Coe, Denis | Edwards, William (Merioneth) |
Beaney, Alan | Coleman, Donald | Ellis, John |
Bence, Cyril | Concannon, J. D. | English, Michael |
Benn, Rt. Hn. Anthony Wedgwood | Conlan, Bernard | Ennals, David |
Bennett, James (G'gow, Bridgeton) | Corbet, Mrs. Freda | Ensor, David |
Bidwell, Sydney | Craddock, George (Bradford, S.) | Evans, Albert (Islington, S.W.) |
Bishop, E. S. | Crawshaw, Richard | Evans, loan L. (Birm'h'm, Yardley) |
Blackburn, F. | Crostand, Rt. Hn. Anthony | Fernyhough, E. |
Blenkinsop, Arthur | Cullen, Mrs. Alice | Fletcher, Raymond (Ilkeston) |
Boardman, H. (Leigh) | Dalyell, Tarn | Fletcher, Ted (Darlington) |
Booth, Albert | Davidson, Arthur (Accrington) | Foley, Maurice |
Bottomley, Rt. Hn. Arthur | Davies, Ednyfed Hudton (Conway) | Foot, Rt. Hn. Sir Dingle (Ipswich) |
Boyden, James | Davies, G. Elfed (Rhondda, E.) | Foot, Michael (Ebbw Vale) |
Braddock, Mrs. E. M. | Davies, Dr. Ernest (Stretford) | Ford, Ben |
Bradley, Tom | Davies, Harold (Leek) | Forrester, John |
Bray, Dr. Jeremy | Davies, Ifor (Gower) | Fraser, John (Norwood) |
Brooks, Edwin | Davies, S. O. (Merthyr) | Galpern, Sir Myer |
Brown, Rt. Hn. George (Beiper) | Delargy, Hugh | Gardner, Tony |
Garrett, W. E. | Lomas, Kenneth | Randall, Harry |
Ginsburg, David | Loughlin, Charles | Rankin, John |
Gray, Dr. Hugh (Yarmouth) | Luard, Evan | Rees, Merlyn |
Gregory, Arnold | Mabon, Dr. J. Dickson | Reynolds, G. W. |
Grey, Charles (Durham) | McBritle, Neil | Rhodes, Geoffrey |
Griffiths, David (Bother Valley) | MacColl, James | Richard, Ivor |
Griffiths, Rt. Hn. James (Llanelly) | MacDermot, Niall | Roberts, Albert (Normanton) |
Griffiths, Will (Exchange) | Macdonald, A. H. | Roberts, Gwilym (Bedfordshire, S.) |
Gunter, Rt. Hn. R. J. | McKay, Mrs. Margaret | Robertson, John (Paisley) |
Hamilton, James (Bothwell) | Mackenzie, Gregor (Rutherglen) | Robinson, Rt, Hn. Kenneth (St. P'c'as) |
Hamilton, William (Fife, W.) | Mackie, John | Robinson, W. O. J. (Walth'stow, E.) |
Hamling, William | Mackintosh, John P. | Rodgers, William (Stockton) |
Hannan, William | Maclerman, Robert | Rose, Paul |
Harper, Joseph | MacMillan, Malcolm (Western Isles) | Ross, Rt. Hn. William |
Harrison, Walter (Wakefield) | McMillan, Tom (Glasgow, C.) | Sheldon, Robert |
Hart, Rt. Hn. Judith | McNamara, J. Kevin | Shinwell, Rt. Hn. E. |
Haseldine, Norman | MacPherson Malcolm | Shore, Rt. Hn. Peter (Stepney) |
Hattersley, Roy | Mahon, Peter (Preston, S.) | Short, Rt. Hn. Edward (N'c'tle-u-Tyne) |
Hazell, Bert | Mahon, Simon (Bootle) | Silkin, Rt. Hn. John (Deptford) |
Healey, Rt. Hn. Denis | Mallalleu, J.P.W.(Huddersfield, E.) | Silverman, Julius (Aston) |
Heffer, Eric S. | Manuel, Archie | Skeffington, Arthur |
Henig, Stanley | Mapp, Charles | Slater, Joseph |
Hilton, W. S. | Marks, Kenneth | Small, William |
Hobden, Dennis (Brighton, K'town) | Marquand, David | Snow, Julian |
Hooley, Frank | Marsh, Rt. Hn. Richard | Spriggs, Leslie |
Howarth, Harry (Wellingborough) | Mason, Rt. Hn. Roy | Stewart, Rt. Hn. Michael |
Howarth, Robert (Bolton, E.) | Mayhew, Christopher | Strauss, Rt. Hn. G. R. |
Howell, Denis (Small Heath) | Mendelson, J. J. | Summerskill, Hn. Dr. Shirley |
Howie, W. | Mikardo, Ian | Swain, Thomas |
Hoy, James | Millan, Bruce | Swingler, Stephen |
Huckfleld, Leslie | Miller, Dr. M. S. | Symonds, J. B. |
Hughes, Emrys (Ayrshire, S.) | Milne, Edward (Blyth) | Taverne, Dick |
Hughes, Hector (Aberdeen, N.) | Mitchell, R. C. (S'th'pton, Test) | Thomas, Rt. Hn. George |
Hughes, Roy (Newport) | Moonman, Eric | Thomson, Rt. Hn. George |
Hunter Adam | Morgan, Elystan (Cardiganshire) | Thornton, Ernest |
Hynd John | Morris, Alfred (Wythenshawe) | Tinn, James |
Irvine', Sir Arthur (Edge Hill) | Morris, Charles R. (Openshaw) | Tomney, Frank |
Jackson, colin (B'h'se & Spenb'gh) | Moyle, Roland | Urwin, T. W. |
Jackson Peter M. (High Peak) | Murray, Albert | Varley, Eric G. |
Janner, Sir Barnett | Neal, Harold | Wainwright, Edwin (Dearne Valley) |
Jay, Rt. Hn. Douglas | Newens, Stan | Walden, Brian (All Saints) |
Jeger, Mrs,. Lena (H'b'n& st. P'cras, S.) | Oakes, Gordon | Walker, Harold (Doncaster) |
Jenkins, Hugh (Putney) | Ogden, Eric | Wallace, George |
Jenkins, Rt. Hn. Roy(Stechford) | O'Malley, Brian | Watkins, David (Consett) |
Johnson, Carol (Lewisham, S.) | Oram, Albert E. | Watkins, Tudor (Brecon & Radnor) |
Johnson, James (K'ston-on-Hull W.) | Orme, Stanley | Weitzman, David |
Jones, Dan (Burnley) | Oswald, Thomas | Wellbeloved, James |
Jones, Rt. Hn. Sir Elwyn (W. Ham, S.) | Owen, Dr. David (Plymouth, S'tn) | Witaker, Ben |
Jones, J. Idwal (Wrexham) | Owen, Will (Morpeth) | White, Mrs. Eirene |
Jones, T. Alec (Rhondda, West) | Page, Derek (King's Lynn) | Whitlock, William |
Paget, R. T. | Williams, Alan (Swansea, W.) | |
Judd, Frank | Palmer, Arthur | Williams, Alan Lee (Hornchurch) |
Keliey, Richard | Pannell, Rt. Hn. Charles | Williams, Clifford (Abertillery) |
Kenyon, Clifford | Park, Trevor | Williams, Mrs. Shlrtey (Hitchin) |
Kerr, Mrs. Anne (R'ter & Chatham) | Perker, John (Dagenham) | Willis, Rt. Hn. George |
Kerr, Dr. David (W' worth, Central) | Parkyn, Brian (Bedford) | Wilson, Rt. Hn. Harold (Huyton) |
Lawson, George | Pavitt, Laurence | Winnick, David |
Leadbitter, Ted | Pearson, Arthur (Pontypridd) | Woodburn, Rt. Hn. A. |
Ledger, Ron | Peart, Rt. Hn. Fred | Woof, Robert |
Lee, Rt. Hn. Frederick (Newton) | Pentland, Norman | Wyatt, Woodrow |
Lee, John (Reading) | Perry, Ernest G. (Battersea, S.) | Yates, Victor |
Lestor, Miss Joan | Perry, George H. (Nottingham, S.) | |
Lever, Harold (Cheetham) | Prentice, Rt. Hn. R. E. | TELLERS FOR THE NOES: |
Lewis, Arthur (W. Ham, N.) | Price, Thomas (Westhoughton) | Mr. Alan Fitch and Mr. John McCann. |
Lewis, Ron (Carlisle) | Price, William (Rugby) | |
Lipton, Marcus | Probert, Arthur |
§ Mr. SPEAKER then proceeded, pursuant to Order, to put forthwith the Questions on the Amendments moved by a member of the Government, or which notice had been given, to that part of the Bill to be concluded at Four o'clock.
- Clause 27 35 words c1555
- Clause 29 168 words cc1555-6
- Clause 30 428 words cc1556-7
- Clause 33 257 words c1557
- Clause 34 30 words cc1557-65
- Clause 36 3,031 words cc1566-8
- Clause 37 795 words cc1568-93
- Clause 38 9,629 words, 1 division cc1593-619
- Clause 39 10,035 words, 1 division c1619
- Clause 42 146 words cc1619-20
- Clause 43 275 words cc1620-9
- Clause 44 3,553 words, 1 division cc1629-35
- Clause 45 2,888 words, 1 division c1635
- Clause 46 19 words cc1636-7
- Clause 51 141 words c1637
- Clause 53 32 words cc1637-9
- Clause 57 741 words cc1639-65
- Clause 58 10,124 words, 1 division cc1665-7
- Clause 60 773 words cc1667-716
- Clause 61 18,269 words, 2 divisions cc1717-21
- Clause 62 2,343 words, 1 division