HC Deb 02 May 1968 vol 763 cc1259-61


Professor BRINLEY THOMAS, Head of Department of Economics, University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff.


Alderman JOHN ALLISON, J.P., Alderman, Swansea County Borough Council; Member, Welsh Advisory Committee for Civil Aviation.

Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. R. E. B. BEAUMONT, C.B.E., T.D., J.P., V.L., Member, Development Commission; Member, Council on Tribunals; Chairman, Montgomeryshire Agricultural Executive Committee.

Councillor G. R. BEESTON, M.B.E., J.P., Member, Monmouthshire County Council; Executive Member, Council for the Protection of Rural Wales.

Principal C. W. L. BEVAN, C.B.E., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., Principal, University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff.

W. F. CARTWRIGHT, LL.D., D.L., M.I.Mech.E., Managing Director, South Wales Group, British Steel Corporation.

Colonel W. R. CRAWSHAY, D.S.O., E.R.D., T.D., A.D.C., D.L., Chairman, Welsh Arts Council.

BRYN DAVIES, South Wales Organiser, National Union of Agricultural Workers.

D. J. DAVIES, Chairman, Wales Tourist Board.

G. PRYS DAVIES, LL.M. (Wales), Member, Welsh Committee of I.T.A.; Member, Court of Governors of the University of Wales; Solicitor.

J. A. DAVIES, J.P., Member, National Farmers Union Council and Economic Development Committee for Agriculture.

Dr. MARGARET DAVIES, M.A., Ph.D., Member, National Parks Commission.

Councillor W. ARMON ELLIS, LL.B., Member, Flintshire County Council; Solicitor.

A. J. EVANS, M.B.E., F.I.A.C., Clerk, Llangefni Rural District Council.

Major A. S. D. GRAESSER, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C., T.D., D.L., J.P., Managing Director, R. Graesser Limited.

Professor IVOR GOWAN, M.A., Head of Department of Political Science, University College, Aberystwyth.

K. GRIFFIN, Area Secretary, Electrical Trades Union; Member, Welsh Advisory Committee for Civil Aviation.

J. S. A. HODGE, F.A.C.C.A., Merchant Banker; Chairman and Managing Director, The Hodge Group Limited; Chairman, Gwent and West of England Enterprises.

Professor H. MORRIS JONES, B.A., B.Litt., Head of Department of Social Theory and Institutions, University College, Bangor.

T. MERVYN JONES, C.B.E., M.A., LL.M.(Cantab), LL.B.(Wales), Chairman, Wales Gas Board; Chairman, Civic Trust for Wales.

Tom JONES, O.B.E., J.P., Secretary, North Wales T.U.C. Regional Advisory Committee; Regional Secretary, Transport and General Workers' Union, North Wales.

HENRY J. KROCH, Managing Director, A.B. Electronic Components Limited.

Alderman E. T. KINSEY MORGAN, C.B.E., Alderman, Radnorshire County Council.

SIR ALFRED NICHOLAS, C.B.E., LL.D., Chairman, Development Corporation for Wales, Chairman, Aberdare Holdings Limited; Chairman, South Wales Switchgear Limited.

Councillor R. H. OWEN, B.E.M., J.P., Member, Caernarvonshire County Council.

Councillor W. C. PHILPIN, Member, Pembrokeshire County Council.

Alderman Mrs. DOROTHY REES, C.B.E., J.P., Alderman, Glamorgan County Council.

M. W. ROSSER, Chartered Accountant; Partner in Deloitte, Plender Griffiths and Company.

O. GRAHAM SAUNDERS, Regional Secretary, South Wales Advisory Committee, Trades Union Congress.

DOUGLAS A. SCOTT, O.B.E., J.P., F.I.O.B., Chairman, Andrew Scott (Civil Engineers) Limited.

Alderman P. SQUIRE, J.P., Chairman, Sports Council for Wales; Alderman, Glamorgan County Council.

Councillor D. D. THOMAS, M.B.E., J.P., Member, Llandeilo Rural District Council.

Alderman G. A. S. THORNBULL, T.D., J.P., Director, Edward Curran Engineering Limited; Alderman, Cardiff County Borough Council.

S. C. VOWLES, General Manager, Esso Refinery, Milford Haven.

GLYN WILLIAMS, President, South Wales Area of the National Union of Mineworkers.

G. PRYS WILLIAMS, C.B.E., formerly lecturer in business administration and Fbusiness statistics, London School of Economics.

TREVOR L. WILLIAMS, O.B.E., LL.M., Clerk, Wrexham Rural District Council.

Professor W. M. WILLIAMS, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, University College, Swansea.

The terms of reference of the Welsh Council are:

To provide a forum for the interchange of views and information on developments in the economic and cultural fields, and to advise on the implications for Wales of National policies.

To assist in the formulation of plans for Wales having regard to the best use of its resources, and to advise the Secretary of State for Wales on major land use and economic planning matters, including transport and communications.

To help to promote the work of the Development Corporation, the Wales Tourist Board, the Welsh Arts Council and of similar public bodies functioning in Wales as a whole or in a significant area of the Principality.

To encourage co-operation between the local authorities through schemes approved by the appropriate Ministers.