HC Deb 02 May 1968 vol 763 c1261
5. Mr. Probert

asked the Secretary of State for Wales how many people in Wales have taken up the option mortgage scheme.

The Under-Secretary of State for Wales (Mr. Ifor Davies)

Precise numbers are not yet available since lenders are not required to give advance information, but about one in twenty existing borrowers have already take up the scheme, and the general trend is that one in every ten new borrowers is benefiting from it.

Mr. Probert

Would my hon. Friend consider, in view of the great help which this scheme can give to young married couples who are looking for a home, what further publicity he can give to it?

Mr. Davies

We have already given a great deal of publicity to it, and I am glad to tell my hon. Friend of the great interest which will play a big part in helping us to break records again this year in house building in Wales.