HC Deb 31 January 1968 vol 757 cc1320-1
4. Mr. Monro

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what advice has been given to him by the Economic Planning Council regarding pit closures in 1968.

Mr. Ross

The advice given to me by the Scottish Economic Planning Council on this and other matters is, and must remain, confidential.

Mr. Monro

Does the right hon. Gentleman not realise that this continued uncertainty about pit closures in Scotland is causing much alarm and despondency in the areas likely to be affected? Will Fauldhead be kept open until the summer?

Mr. Ross

As the hon. Gentleman knows, the Ministerial responsibility here is. not mine, but special arrangements have been made to bring into close consultation for advice the Economic Planning Council and, through me, the Minister of Power. This is being done— [Interruption.]—someone asks why it should be confidential. The very statement of the fact indicates the need for confidentiality in respect of advice given.

Mr. Eadie

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the miners' trade union has gained the impression that there will be no pit closures before the closest possible examination and consultation by the Economic Planning Council? Does he not think that it would be in the interests of the miners if he verified this impression?

Mr. Ross

I can assure my hon. Friend that I have already met the trade union and that it knows the position well in respect of the liaison which has been promised them, and which has been carried out. A sub-committee of the Economic Planning Council has already visited and had discussions with the N.C.B. at the pits which were highlighted for closure in Scotland. They have already reported to me and I have conveyed my findings and the advice which they have given to the Minister of Power.