§ 34. Mr. Moonmanasked the President of the Board of Trade if he will specify the main sources of recruitment of export officers.
§ Mr. JayThese officers are established civil servants who have entered the Service through the Civil Service Commission.
§ Mr. MoonmanIs my right hon. Friend satisfied with the recruitment of these officers, and that they include people with a sufficient range of experience of market research and other sales techniques? From what he has said this would not appear to be the case.
§ Mr. JayOn the whole, experience suggests that this is the best method of recruiting. I would not argue that it should never be reviewed.
§ Mr. BessellIs the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that recruitment is satisfactory, in the sense that the officers concerned compare favourably with their counterparts in other countries?
§ Mr. JayYes, Sir. I think that is so, but it would no doubt require a very detailed review to prove it absolutely. From the information I have, I would certainly say that this is so.