HC Deb 22 March 1956 vol 550 cc1561-2

Amendment made: In page 25, line 18, after "3A," insert: where any teacher holds a post of special responsibility within the meaning of the regulations for the time being in force made by the Secretary of State under section seventy-nine of the Act of 1946 (which relates to the salaries of teachers) and will not, on completion of forty-five years of service or of service and second class service, have attained the age for retirement prescribed under the last foregoing paragraph, for the teacher to be deemed to have offered to resign from the said post on the day on which he completes the said forty-five years, and for the retirement of the teacher from the said post on the said day if his resignation is accepted, so, however, that nothing in any provision included in the scheme under this paragraph shall prevent the employer from offering and the teacher from accepting appointment to another post; 3B "—[Mr. Henderson Stewart.]

Mr. Henderson Stewart

I beg to move, in page 26, line 13, after "matters," to insert: (including the adaptation of enactments). The new paragraph (3, b) in the Bill which it is proposed to amend empowers the Secretary of State to include in the Scottish teachers' superannuation scheme provision enabling a teacher to exchange his lump sum, or what remains of it after he has surrendered part of it in exchange for a widow's or widower's pension, for an additional annual allowance. There are references in various Statutes to an annual allowance, and it is necessary to make clear whether each of these references is to be interpreted as relating to the original annual allowance only, or to the annual allowance as increased by paragraph 3B.

The purpose of the Amendment is to make clear that the Secretary of State can deal with this matter as "consequen- tial on other matters" in the new provisions which he inserted in the teachers' superannuation scheme.

Amendment agreed to.

8.0 p.m

Mr. Henderson Stewart

I beg to move, in page 26, line 23, to leave out "number of completed years" and to insert "length".

This Amendment is consequential upon Amendments made in Committee under which the whole of a teacher's service can count for pension instead of only the number of completed years.

Amendment agreed to.