HC Deb 18 April 1956 vol 551 c1004
43. Mr. J. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what progress has been made with the ten-year Development Plan for Seychelles begun in 1947, particularly with reference to education.

The Minister of State for Colonial Affairs (Mr. John Hare)

The Seychelles Development Plan, which was prepared in 1947, came to an end in December, 1955. It was revised from time to time to take account of changed needs and increased costs, but most of the projects in the revised plan have been completed. About 40 per cent. of the money available was allocated to education, and the only project uncompleted in this field is the rebuilding of St. Joseph's Convent. This work, is well advanced, and will, it is expected, be finished this year.

Mr. Johnson

Will the Minister of State agree that, including the deportation of Archbishop Makarios, the whole business of the Seychelles has been most unsavoury, including the Chief Justice, the level of the agricultural and labouring classes in the islands, the liquor traffic and so on? Would the Minister seriously consider sending a Commission to inquire into the affairs of the islands?

Mr. Hare

I think the hon. Gentleman ought to put that Question down. The Question he asked me was about the ten-year Development Plan.

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