HC Deb 14 November 1951 vol 493 c963
32. Mr. Cyril W. Black

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General whether he will introduce a service whereby telephone subscribers can obtain weather forecasts.

Mr. Gammans

Weather forecasts can be obtained now by telephone from 17 meteorological offices in different parts of the country. While my noble Friend would like to provide additional facilities enabling telephone users to obtain recorded weather forecasts by dialling, he regrets that with the many pressing claims on our limited resources, such a development must be postponed.

Mr. Black

Having regard to the fact that this service is available in the city of Berlin, can my hon. Friend give any indication as to how soon it may be possible to provide it here?

Mr. Gammans

I can give no estimate at all. I think it is far more important that we should provide the people of this country with telephones than with weather forecasts.

Brigadier O. L. Prior-Palmer

Does the first part of my hon. Friend's reply mean that any individual is entitled to ring up any meteorological office and get a forecast at any time?

Mr. Gammans

That is so.