§ 2. Mr. Norman Doddsasked the Minister of Food if he is aware of the widespread dissatisfaction at the sale over many months of mixtures of dried fruit, suet and sugar at high prices; why this was allowed; and what action has been taken to end this.
§ Major Lloyd GeorgeI am aware that there has been criticism of the sale of these mixtures. The open general licence for mincemeat under which they were being imported was revoked on 27th September, 1951, and their purchase and sale is to be prohibited from 9th December, 1951, except where they are sold to manufacturers for processing into genuine mincemeat.
§ Mr. DoddsIs the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that the housewives condemn this type of practice under any Government; and can he give an assurance that it will not be repeated in the near future, or during his term of office?
§ Major Lloyd George indicated assent.