HC Deb 12 November 1951 vol 493 c623
1. Sir Jocelyn Lucas

asked the Minister of Food whether he will make a statement on the foodstocks held in this country.

The Minister of Food (Major Lloyd George)

For reasons of commercial prudence I cannot add anything to the statement which I made in the House on Friday last, 9th November.

Sir J. Lucas

As one who is not a teetotaller, may I ask whether a cut in the imports of foreign wines might not help in the allocation of a bit more food?

Major Lloyd George

I think the hon. Gentleman will have to wait until he sees the details which, on Friday, I promised as soon as possible.

Mr. John Paton

While respecting the reasons of commercial prudence, may I ask whether these stocks are higher or lower than is customary in peace-time?

Major Lloyd George

I made that fairly clear in my statement last Friday.

14. Brigadier Terence Clarke

asked the Minister of Food if he is satisfied that the reserves of food in this country are adequate to meet any foreseeable emergency.

Major Lloyd George

I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the statement made by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House on 7th November on the progress made in building up emergency food reserves.

Brigadier Clarke

Does my right hon. and gallant Friend agree that the ex-Minister of Food took a grave risk with the nation's security in allowing our stocks to run down to their present level?