HC Deb 12 November 1951 vol 493 c624
3. Mr. Dodds

asked the Minister of Food what allocations of dried fruit can be expected between now and Christmas.

9. Mr. Frederick Mulley

asked the Minister of Food if he will arrange for further supplies of dried fruit to be available before Christmas.

Major Lloyd George

An allocation of dried fruit to meet Christmas requirements was made on 4th November, and supplies should reach the shops during the next few weeks. No further allocation will be made this year.

Mr. Dodds

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that housewives will be disappointed at the news that there will be no more before Christmas?

Mr. Mulley

In view of the very small allocation, will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman give the House an assurance that it will be fairly allocated as between districts, and that housewives will receive preferential treatment over manufacturers?

Major Lloyd George

I believe that most of the allocating is done on the basis of sugar registration, at least 90 per cent. of it, and it will be done exactly the same as it has been before.