HC Deb 25 July 1951 vol 491 cc435-7
3. Mr. Arthur Colegate

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to what international conventions or agreements affecting unfair competition in international trade including those dealing with the ownership of copyrights, trade marks, patents and designs to which Japan adhered in 1939, it is now proposed in the draft Peace Treaty that Japan shall now be caused to adhere.

Mr. Ernest Davies

Once the Japanese Peace Treaty comes into effect, all the multilateral and international agreements to which Japan was a party on 1st September, 1939, provided that they have not in the meantime lapsed for other reasons, will resume their force and effect for Japan. As the list of these agreements is rather lengthy, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Colegate

May I ask the hon. Gentleman to bear in mind the extreme importance of securing the adherence of Japan to the International Agreement for the Prevention of False Indications of the Origin of Goods? Japan refused to sign this agreement until the war, and it is essential that it should be in the Peace Treaty.

Mr. Davies

Yes, I will draw the attention of my right hon. Friend to the matter.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Will the Minister also consult his right hon. Friend with a view to considering the advisability of consulting the President of the Board of Trade in order to get joint consideration of all these matters?

Mr. Walter Fletcher

Is the Minister aware that there are many instances today of pirated designs being made by Japan and sold throughout West Africa?

Mr. Davies

That hardly arises out of the Question, but I suggest that the hon. Gentleman awaits the speech of my right hon. Friend this afternoon, which will touch on these matters.

Following is the List:

Japan: Conventions or Agreements affecting unfair competition in international trade

  1. 1. Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit signed at Barcelona on 20th April. 1921. TS. No. 27 (1923) Cmd. 1992.
  2. 2. Protocol on Arbitration Clauses in Commercial and other Contracts signed at Geneva on 24th September, 1923. TS. 4 (1925) Cmd. 2312.
  3. 3. Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works signed at Rome on 2nd June, 1928 (which amended the Berne Convention of 1886). TS. 12 (1932) Cmd. 4057.
  4. 4. Convention and Protocol on Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes signed at Geneva on 7th June, 1930. TS. No. 14 (1934) Cmd. 4594.
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  6. 5. Convention and Protocol on Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques signed at Geneva on 19th March, 1931. TS. No. 26 (1933) Cmd. 4443.
  7. 6. Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property signed at London on 2nd June, 1934 (which amended the Paris Convention of 1883). TS. No. 55 (1938) Cmd. 5833.