HC Deb 25 July 1951 vol 491 c437
12. Brigadier Smyth

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs for an estimate of when he expects the Japanese Peace Treaty will be finally ratified and signed.

Mr. Ernest Davies

It is expected that the Treaty will be signed early in September. It will come into force when ratified by a majority of the principal parties, which must include the United States of America. This could occur within a few months from the date of signature.

Brigadier Smyth

Can the Under-Secretary say whether it is the intention to have any Commonwealth conference on the draft Treaty before the Foreign Secretary has final discussions with the United States?

Mr. Davies

The position is that the Commonwealth countries interested, as well as other countries concerned, have been invited to send their amendments in to Washington, where our representatives and those of other countries, presumably, who are sufficiently interested will be able to consider them, and the final draft will be agreed between the United States and the United Kingdom.

Mr. Awbery

In view of the fact that Japan will be allowed to spend money on armaments under the Peace Treaty, will the Minister take steps to increase the compensation of those prisoners who suffered under Japanese hands from the £5 million? Is he aware that that £5 million will mean only £25 per prisoner, whilst the United States are granting their prisoners a dollar for each day they were in captivity? Will he take steps to improve the position?

Mr. Davies

That is quite another question. It does not arise out of this Question.