HC Deb 25 July 1951 vol 491 cc437-8
2. Earl Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if, in view of the number of recent cases of the expulsion of British and United States journalists from various countries, he will consult the United States Government with a view to concerting joint action of protest.

Mr. Ernest Davies

During the present year there have been only two cases of the expulsion of British journalists from a foreign country. These occurred in Persia and applied to Mr. Haig Nicholson of Reuters and Mr. Sefton Delmer of the "Daily Express," against whom expulsion orders were executed on 3rd June, 1951.

The House will appreciate that owing to the various measures of intimidation and obstruction practised by certain Communist Governments of Eastern Europe, it is now practically impossible for British newspapers and agencies to maintain correspondents in these countries.

His Majesty's Government have been in consultation with the United States Government in appropriate cases and will continue so to consult as occasions arise.