HC Deb 06 December 1950 vol 482 cc330-1
4. Professor Savory

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the refusal of His Majesty's Government to recognise de jure the annexation by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the three Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, he is prepared to bring before the Security Council of the United Nations the present condition of the inhabitants of those three States, large numbers of whom are being deported.

Mr. Ernest Davies

No. Sir. The matter does not fall within the competence of the Security Council since no threat to international peace or security appears to be involved.

Professor Savory

Will His Majesty's Government not support his Excellency the Lithuanian Ambassador in Washington in the protest which he is now making to the President of the General Assembly of the Society of Nations in order to have an investigation carried out into these deportations, which are taking place by the hundred thousand, and the substitution of Asiatics for natives?

Mr. Davies

I am not sure that the hon. Gentleman does not go a little beyond the facts, because I am not aware of some of the facts which he has stated. I doubt very much whether it would serve any useful purpose if we associated ourselves with the protest in the way he has suggested.

Professor Savory

There is ample evidence here of all the facts.

Mr. Molson

Does the Under-Secretary mean that His Majesty's Government have no information about deportations which are taking place?

Mr. Davies

No, Sir. I do not suggest that we have no evidence of that matter, but no evidence on some of the matters to which the hon. Member for Antrim. South (Professor Savory), refers.