HC Deb 24 January 1949 vol 460 cc550-1
28. Lieut-Colonel Lipton

asked the Minister of Works how many properties owned by municipal authorities in the London area are still requisitioned by Government Departments.

Mr. Key

Seven premises wholly and four premises partly are held on requisition in the London region from municipal authorities.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Is my right hon. Friend aware that among these properties is the only public hall available to the citizens of Lambeth, and can he hold out any prospects of when the citizens will have their public hall back again?

Mr. Key

I have no particulars about the public hall concerned. It does not appear to be among the places enumerated in the information I have. I should be glad to look into the matter if my hon. and gallant Friend would give me the details.

29. Sir Wavell Wakefield

asked the Minister of Works how many houses, flats and other premises in the Borough of St. Marylebone have been acquired by his Department for its own use or for use by other Government Departments or nationalised undertakings under requisition and under lease agreement or tenancy, respectively; and how many persons could be housed in this accommodation.

Mr. Key

In the Borough of St. Marylebone, my Ministry holds on requisition 100 houses, 275 flats and 13 other premises. All except 11 of the 100 houses have more than 12 rooms. Of the 275 flats, it is proposed to derequisition about half within the next six months. The premises held on lease or tenancy are 92 houses, 50 flats and 18 other premises. I cannot say how many people could be housed in this accommodation.

Sir W. Wakefield

Is it possible for the Minister to take steps to see if some of the other premises, which are leased, could be released in order that the grave housing accommodation shortage in St. Marylebone might be somewhat alleviated?

Mr. Key

Yes, and we are now providing temporary office bungalows in the suburbs with the idea of taking people out, and thus releasing houses in the centre.