HC Deb 18 March 1948 vol 448 c2273
36. Mr. W. J. Brown

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will reconsider the decision of his Department to limit the payment of compensation to 55s. per week to Mr. S. Edmonds, who was so seriously injured by a criminal lunatic whilst he was employed at Broadmoor Asylum that he has now been rendered unfit to follow any employment; and whether, in such reconsideration, he will take account of the fact that Mr. Edmonds has a wife and four young children dependent upon him, and, because of the effects of his injuries, is subject to periodical collapses and has to receive frequent medical attention.

Mr. Ede

I share the hon. Member's sympathy with Mr. Edmonds, but my action is restricted by the Workmen's Compensation Acts, which do not provide for additional compensation for such cases.

Mr. Brown

Is it not possible, granted that the Minister has done all that he can within the limits of the Compensation Acts, for him to seek powers from this House which will enable him to give, in a case like this, a pension sufficient to enable the disabled man and his family to live?

Mr. Ede

I have every sympathy with this case, and I would like to do something for it. I am not sure yet that I have exhausted all the possibilities that are open to me.