HC Deb 10 February 1948 vol 447 cc187-8
3. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will now state when work on the proposed Cheesebay-Lochportain road in the Isle of North Uist is to commence.

Mr. Woodburn

I am aware of the need for the proposed road but I regret that I cannot say at present when this work is likely to proceed.

Mr. MacMillan

Is the Minister aware that in this State-owned estate where the Department of Agriculture is the landlord there has been an unparalleled neglect of the tenants? Two years ago a grant was offered and it was expected that it would work. Everybody is shocked by the paralysis in taking a simple decision, and cannot the Secretary of State try to amend the neglect of 50 years on the part of hon. Members on the other side of the House?

Mr. Woodburn

I am doing my best. The decision in regard to this question is involved with other decisions which are rather more complicated. I am afraid it is impossible to say any more today.