HC Deb 15 December 1948 vol 459 c1188
15. Mr. Spence

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the inadequacy of the present telephone facilities at Ellon, Aberdeenshire; and when additional equipment will be allocated to this exchange.

Mr. Wilfred Paling

I regret that the hon. Member has been misinformed. Additional exchange equipment has recently been provided at Ellon and where there is external plant waiting applicants will be given service as soon as labour is available.

Mr. Spence

Can the Minister say how soon the waiting list for telephones in Ellon will be reduced, and is he aware that some people have been waiting for three years for an installation?

Mr. Paling

Some of them have waited a long time, but the exchange equipment is now installed. What we are waiting for is the external equipment, like cables and overhead wires. I hope these people will have telephones shortly.

Mr. Spence

Can the Postmaster-General say whether the trunk-call service to Aberdeen will be improved, because it is only 20 miles away and it sometimes takes half an hour to get a call through?

Mr. Paling

That is another Question, and one which I should like to see on the Paper.

Mr. MacLeod

Can the Minister say whether more equipment will be given to isolated places in the Highlands, where the people are a great distance from any telephone?

Mr. Paling

Most hon. Members are aware that at the present time we are doing all we possibly can, particularly in remote places and for farmers.