HC Deb 12 November 1947 vol 444 cc373-5
34. Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is continuing to recruit for the Palestine Police on the terms and conditions set out in the booklet, "Palestine Police as a Career."

Mr. Rees-Williams

The Government of Palestine is continuing to recruit constables for the British Section of the Palestine Police Force on the terms and conditions set out in this booklet, the title of which has however, been changed to "The Palestine Police Force." It is made clear to candidates when called for interview that, in view of the uncertainty of the future of Palestine, there is now no prospect of a career in the force.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Is the Under-Secretary of State aware that this booklet states that men can be taken on a three-years' contract? Can he give an assurance that in present circumstances they will, in fact, be able to serve those three years?

Mr. Rees-Williams

I have a copy of the booklet here, and I have not noticed that particular part to which the hon. Member refers. They are not, in fact, taken on, so far as I am aware, for any particular term. Certainly I could give no such assurance.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Will the hon. Gentleman look at the top of page 8?

Mr. S. Silverman

In view of the fact that the Government's announced policy of withdrawing from Palestine, laying down the mandate and all responsibility for it, is universally popular in this country, in Palestine, and abroad, is it not a pity that they should continue to put out documents which can only cast doubt on the sincerity of their intentions?

Mr. Rees-Williams

The position is that the High Commissioner has to maintain law and order in Palestine for the period in which we are there, and he has considered it essential that recruitment should proceed for the time being. Hon. Members must realise that members of this force are retiring, that they become sick, and so on; and it is impossible for him to carry on the Force unless he can recruit for it.

Mr. Oliver Stanley

Could the hon. Gentleman say how long a period of training these recruits require, and, therefore, at what date a man recruited now would become an effective member of the Palestine Police Force?

Mr. Rees-Williams

The normal period after which a man enters into normal duties is, I understand, three months.

Sir Ralph Glyn

Can the hon. Gentleman say whether he does not think it the appropriate time to issue some instruction to ensure that people who have served in the Palestine Police Force will have their pensions safeguarded in the future?

Mr. Rees-Williams

That is another question.

Mr. S. Silverman

In view of the importance of this subject and the inadequacy of the reply, I should like to give notice that I will raise this matter on the Adjournment at the earliest opportunity.