HC Deb 19 May 1947 vol 437 cc1995-6
40. Brigadier Rayner

asked the Minister of Food if he will grant facilities for a ram to be roasted at Kings Teignton Ram Roasting Fair in accordance with custom on Whit Tuesday, 27th May.

Mr. Strachey

With regret, no, Sir.

Brigadier Rayner

Is the Minister aware that this old custom originated in the distant past as a thank-offering to the springs which flowed after a long drought? Is he aware that these springs still feed two mills which produce valuable flour for his Department, and that it is very unlucky, in peacetime, to interfere with old customs and traditions which have been prevalent for so long? Will he reconsider his decision?

Mr. Strachey

No, Sir, although I should very much like to supply the ram. The Fair has done without one for seven years, and it can do without one for a little longer.

Mr. Piratin

Is the Minister aware that this is one of those heathen customs which the Conservative Party want to retain?

Brigadier Rayner

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that last year permission was given for the ram to be roasted? Will he not admit that after another year of Socialist Government even this small concession has had to be withdrawn?

Mr. Strachey

I do not think it was the same ram, but I will certainly look into the matter. I understand that it was not given last year.