HC Deb 28 October 1946 vol 428 cc255-6
2. Mr. Erroll

asked the Minister of Supply what arrangements he has entered into with the British Oilfield Equipment Company for the manufacture of oil- drilling machinery in Woolwich Arsenal; on what basis payments are made by the British Oilfield Equipment Company for equipment, assemblies and components supplied; and whether these payments include a correct proportion of the cost of supervisory staff and allowances for normal and accelerated depreciation of the plant and machinery employed

Mr. Wilmot

Payment for the machinery is to be made by the company within a specified time after delivery in accordance with the terms of the contract. Estimates were compiled by methods similar to those normally followed in industry and cover the elements of cost mentioned in the Question.

Mr. Erroll

Can the Minister say why this particular firm is allowed these very excellent facilities when they are not given to more deserving firms?

Mr. Wilmot

This one had the wisdom to place the order with the Royal Ordnance Factory.

Sir Wavell Wakefield

Is the Minister satisfied that this firm has competent technical staff, and is able to carry out the work?

Mr. Wilmot

The Royal Ordnance Factory is quite capable of carrying out the work.

Sir W. Wakefield

I asked the Minister whether the firm that placed the order have a satisfactory technical staff and whether he is satisfied with the work they did in obtaining the orders to place with Woolwich Arsenal?

Mr. Wilmot

The relations which I have with this firm are those of contractor and customer.

Mr. Erroll

Was the capacity publicly advertised before it was allocated to this company?

Mr. Wilmot

The capacity is not allocated to them.

Mr. Erroll

Is it advertised?