HC Deb 16 July 1946 vol 425 c1048
59. Sir I. Fraser

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will pay postwar credits to disabled civilians at the moment when they leave hospital and need the money for resettlement.

Mr. Dalton

No, Sir. I cannot at present extend my proposals for the repayment of the Income Tax postwar credits.

Sir I. Fraser

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that a disabled ex-Serviceman gets his payment at the time he leaves the Service, which is just when he wants resettlement; and cannot he do the same for civilians?

Mr. Dalton

What an ex-Serviceman gets is not an Income Tax postwar credit; it is the postwar credit in respect of his Army service. I have frequently regretted that the term "postwar credit" is used to cover both these equally. It is a terminology invented before my time, and I think it is very confusing. My answer relates solely to postwar credits.

Sir I. Fraser

Whatever it is called, it is money they want.

Mr. Dalton

That is true of us all.