HC Deb 03 April 1946 vol 421 cc1229-30
16. Mr. Solley

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that of the four important ship repairing firms operating at Tilbury Docks, only one is fully engaged, that two others are virtually idle and the fourth is engaged on a small amount of subsidiary work; and whether, in view of the importance of and demand for ship repairs, he will take steps forthwith to remedy the situation.

Mr. Duģdale

There are three ship repairing firms in regular operation at Tilbury Docks. A fourth firm has occasionally used the Docks at Tilbury, but its work is not a substantial factor. The three resident firms are now fully employed to the extent of the facilities available for repair work. Some redundancies of labour have been reported recently, but in the nature of ship repairing work occasional temporary redundancies in particular trades are inevitable. Two troop ships have been allocated to Tilbury for repair as soon after their arrival in this country as berths can be made available.

Mr. Solley

Is my hon. Friend aware that it is the unanimous opinion of the joint shop stewards committee for ship repairs at Tilbury Docks that there is ample berthage space for repair work, and that in fact two of these three regular firms were doing practically nothing up to the time I put this Question on the Paper; and would he be prepared to consider this further evidence if I were to put it before him?

Mr. Duģdale

Most certainly.

17. Mr. Solley

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty on what basis ship repairing work is allocated to the different firms in Tilbury Docks; the percentage of work allocated to each of such firms in the last three months; and the relative capacity of each of such firms to do such work calculated upon the basis of the amount of work done during the war period.

Mr. Duģdale

As the answer to this Question contains figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

Ship repair work at Tilbury Docks is allocated to the various firms, according to the type of work they can handle, their progress with current orders, and the availability of suitable labour. The current allocation of work between the three firms regularly operating at Tilbury, measured by the labour employed, is 58 per cent., 27 per cent., and 15 per cent., respectively: during the war the percentages were 5o per cent., 30 per cent., and 20 per cent. The figures at the end of the war are not available, but for September, 1945, they were 55 per cent., 27 per cent., and 18 per cent.