HC Deb 08 March 1945 vol 408 cc2214-5
34. Mr. Bossom

asked the Minister of Health, as his Memorandum on Plans for Houses and other Buildings does not specifically state the number of Departments and authorities that must give approval before a substantial building can be erected and occupied, can he give a complete list of the different Departments and authorities to which local authorities or owners must apply before each different type of building can be built and occupied.

Mr. Willink

As the answer is rather long and detailed I am circulating it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Bossom

Would my right hon. Friend make the statement definite so

The normal system of referencing, apart from war-time controls, and consultation with statutory undertakers, may conveniently be set out as follows:

Type of building to be erected By whom erected Reference Authority(ies)
I. Domestic Building. (i) Local Authority.
(a) London County Council (i) Minister of Health.
(ii) Sanitary Authority.
(iii) Planning Authority, where other than the Council.
(b) Metropolitan Borough Council. London County Council.
(c) Provincial Council (i) Minister of Health.
(ii) Planning Authority if different from the Council.
(iii) Highway Authority if different from the Council.
(2) Private Enterprise.
(a) in London (i) London County Council.
(ii) Metropolitan Borough Council.
(b) in Provinces (i) Local Authority.
(ii) Planning Authority if different from (i).
(iii) Highway Authority if different from (i).
II. Public Building. (i) Local Authority (i) Minister concerned.
(ii) Planning Authority if different from Local Authority.
(iii) Highway Authority if different from Local Authority.
(iv) Licensing Justices when necessary.
(2) Other bodies or persons (i) As in I for domestic buildings erected by private enterprise.
(ii) Licensing Justices when necessary.
III. Commercial Building. Private Enterprise (i) As in I for domestic buildings erected by private enterprise.
(ii) Licensing Justices if necessary.