HC Deb 08 March 1945 vol 408 cc2215-7
40. Mr. Moelwyn Hughes

asked the Minister of Health what steps he proposes to take to ensure that the silting of the Upper Gwendraeth river does not cause pollution, interference with sewerage and their consequent serious effects upon the

that everyone who is to be responsible for the construction of a substantial building or of a housing estate will know exactly to what authorities and Departments he must apply, so that the work in question may proceed to completion and be occupied?

Mr. Willink

I have promised to circulate the answer for which my hon. Friend asks, which is a complete list.

Mr. De la Bère

Is my right hon. Friend aware that not only is the answer long but too long a time has been taken to consider it?

Following is the answer:

health of the adjacent inhabitants of Pontyates.

Mr. Willink

I have had the public health aspect of the flooding of this river investigated and have come to the conclusion that the effects are not sufficient to justify my pressing, on public health grounds alone, for the execution of a scheme of the magnitude which would be required; but I am keeping in close touch with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries on the matter.

Mr. Hughes

Does not the right hon. and learned Gentleman realise that the conditions are worsening here year after year, and that the reports of the Medical Officer of Health are directly contrary to what he now says?

Mr. Willink

This matter was specially examined from the public health point of view. It is a difficult problem, not affecting any large number of houses, and a method of dealing with it in a satisfactory way has not yet been found. The present scheme is very expensive. I have discussed this matter with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture and he and I agree that this is not an appropriate time to undertake it.

Mr. Hughes

I beg to give notice that owing to the nature of the reply I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment.