HC Deb 22 March 1944 vol 398 c861
68. Mr. Glenvil Hall

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works the total sum to which licences have been granted, together with the number of men employed and material used, in the repair and reconditioning of a greyhound racing track recently damaged by enemy action, the location of which has been privately indicated to him.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works (Mr. Hicks)

No licence was granted by the Ministry of Works. I understand that the work included the removal of dangerous structures, the temporary protection of valuable plant and the clearance of debris. The circumstances in which the work was done without licence are being investigated.

Mr. Hall

Am I to understand from that reply that the work actually done there was done without the knowledge of my hon. Friend's Ministry? If so, where were the materials and labour obtained?

Mr. Hicks

The work was certainly done without the knowledge of my Ministry. The materials, I understand, belonged to the man who owned the race track.

Mr. Hall

Is any action being taken in the matter?

Mr. Hicks

Yes, Sir, we are investigating the conditions under which the work was done without licence.