HC Deb 05 March 1942 vol 378 c780
7. Mr. Lipson

asked the Minister of Labour, whether he is satisfied that, under existing arrangements, workers who are declared redundant at a factory are immediately transferred to where work is available for them?

Mr. Bevin

Such transfer is part of the day-to-day operations of the Employment Exchanges, and I know of no reason for thinking that it is not effectively carried out. I should point out that there is not always unanimity as to the numbers or the individuals who are redundant in particular cases, and difficult problems arising out of the personal circumstances of the workers not infrequently arise.

Mr. Lipson

Is the National Service officer immediately informed of all workers declared redundant, so that he can make arrangements to place them elsewhere?

Mr. Bevin

Yes, he is informed; but he is not permitted to accept an employer's statement than a man is redundant without investigation, because this provision is sometimes abused.

Sir Herbert Williams

Is the Minister aware that sometimes the day-to-day work of the Ministry takes weeks to perform?