HC Deb 05 March 1942 vol 378 cc780-1
8 and 9. Wing-Commander James

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) whether he will give an undertaking that all cases of naturalised aliens who have been, or shall be, con- victed of offences against war-time regulations shall be referred to the appropriate committee, with a view to the revocation of their certificates of naturalisation;

(2) whether he will state the names and qualifications of the members of the committee appointed under Section 7 of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act; and how many cases, and with what results, have been referred to this committee since the outbreak of the war?

The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Herbert Morrison)

As I pointed out in reply to a Question by my hon. and gallant Friend on 20th November last, the revocation of certificates of naturalisation is governed by conditions contained in the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914, as amended by the Act of 1918, and it is only in cases where those conditions apply that I have power to consider revocation. These cases are infrequent, and not all such cases are necessarily referred to the Advisory Committee. Cases only come before the Committee if the holder of the certificate has a right under the statutory provisions to demand a hearing before the Committee and exercises that right, or if the Secretary of State considers an examination of the case by the Advisory Committee to be desirable before he comes to a decision as to revocation. Until recently no case had arisen during the war for hearing by the Advisory Committee, but I have now referred one case to them, and it is expected that some others may come before them, as a result either of a claim to a hearing by the holder of a certificate or of a reference by myself. The Act provides that the Committee shall be presided over by a person (appointed by the Secretary of State with the approval of the Lord Chancellor) who holds or has held high judicial office, and the Chairman appointed in accordance with this provision is Mr. Justice Tucker. The members are Lady (Ernest) Simon and my right hon. Friend the Member for the Chorley Division of Lancashire (Sir D. Hacking).

Wing-Commander James

In view of the length of the Answer and the importance of the subject, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment.