HC Deb 23 October 1941 vol 374 c1893
29. Mr. Messer

asked the Minister of Health whether he will draw to the attention of scheme-making authorities the provisions of the law allowing for the disregard of National Health Insurance benefit for the first three months in any year in the assessment of means of blind persons?

Mr. E. Brown

In a circular issued to local authorities in March, 1938, attention was drawn to the requirement that in computing the resources of a blind person applying for financial assistance the first 7s. 6d. a week of any National Health Insurance benefit is to be disregarded. I am proposing to issue a further circular drawing attention to the fact that in January next this amount will be increased to 10s. 6d. under the recent Insurance Act.

Mr. Buchanan

Will the right hon. Gentleman confer with the Secretary of State for Scotland to see whether similar action is taken in Scotland?

Mr. Brown

I will certainly draw my right hon. Friend's attention to the point.