HC Deb 27 November 1941 vol 376 cc877-8
39. Mr. G. Macdonald

asked the Secretary of State for India what action the British Government, in consultation with the Viceroy, are now taking to bring about a more satisfactory state of affairs throughout India and thus improve the war effort?

Mr. Amery

The new administrative measures which were announced last July with the purpose of furthering the association of Indians in the war effort have been successfully initiated. The Governor-General's Executive Council has been expanded and now contains a majority of non-official Indians. The All-India National Defence Council is meeting periodically. Ministerial Government has been resumed in the Province of Orissa. While confident that the success of these measures will materially assist the war effort in India, His Majesty's Government remain anxious to foster the growth of good will throughout India and the asso- ciation of all sections of the community in the common endeavour.

Mr. Macdonald

While appreciating the anxiety to foster good feeling, my Question was as to what is being done at the present moment. Does the Secretary of State appreciate that lack of action by His Majesty's Government is having a depressing effect throughout India?