§ 51. Mr. Priceasked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the danger of loss of soil fertility through over-cropping with straw crops, he will advise war agricultural executives to recommend that farmers lay dawn their old arable lands to temporary grasses and clovers of approved mixtures for one, and in some cases two, years?
Mr. HudsonIn April last I intimated to all county war agricultural executive committees that, as regards land that had borne one or two white straw crops, a considerable proportion should be under-sown and that a one year ley would in most cases suffice to restore the necessary fertility. I indicated, however, that longer leys, where they were appropriate, could be sown with the permission of "the committee.
§ Mr. PriceIs my right hon. Friend satisfied that the war agricultural executive 737 committees are aware of the importance of this use of temporary ley in order to keep up the fertility of the soil?