HC Deb 18 July 1940 vol 363 cc380-1
19 and 20. Mr. Woodburn

asked the Home Secretary (1) whether he is prepared to take steps to prohibit residence in and occupation of any island on the West Coast of Scotland by any person either formerly or at present associated with pro-Nazi associations or related to prominent Fascists at present in preventive custody;

(2) whether regular police visits are paid to islands on the West Coast of Scotland, one of which is owned by a person formerly an associate of pro-Nazi associations; and what steps he has taken to ensure that their privileged position cannot be used to the detriment of the nation's security?

Sir J. Anderson

I am informed that these islands are visited periodically by the police, and my inquiries do not indicate that there are any grounds for apprehensions of the kind to which my hon. Friend alludes, or for prohibiting the present inhabitants from living there. The island in which I think my hon. Friend is more particularly interested is in a protected area, and entry into it is, therefore, already controlled.

Mr. Woodburn

Is the Minister aware that as late as 29th June Miss Mitford was met by her father at Oban and taken by him to that island[...] Is he further aware that in Scotland we are concerned to know how it is that known Fascists can live in these islands while perfectly loyal people cannot visit their relatives who are resident in these particular areas?

Sir J. Anderson

That is a matter of which I have no knowledge. These are areas which are in the hands of the military authorities.

Mr. Davidson

Will the Minister not take steps to allay public opinion in Scotland which desires that these people who were actively associated with Fascism should not be in prohibited areas?

Sir J. Anderson

In matters regarding security I must, I think, be guided by those who are responsible.