HC Deb 03 April 1940 vol 359 cc162-3
39. Mr. R. Gibson (for Mr. Woodburn)

asked the Minister of Supply, what dealings his Department has with the Union of Manufacturers, of which Mr. J. A. R. MacDonald is chairman; who initiated the formation of this association; and whether he is satisfied that this association has the confidence of small manufacturers throughout the country?

Mr. Burgin

According to the information supplied by the body of which Mr. J. A. R. MacDonald is chairman, a number of the smaller manufacturers formed themselves into a federation which was, at the date on which the information was supplied, namely, January, 1940, in course of being registered as a company limited by guarantee, having no share capital, to be called the Federation of Manufacturers and Producers of Great Britain, Limited. A deputation from the federation was received in the Ministry, at their request, on 17th January last when the question of the employment of the smaller firms was discussed, and it was agreed that the federation could be of assistance in enabling small groups of manufacturers to place information of their productive capacity at the disposal of the various Supply Departments. No such information, in a form in which it could be used, has, however, been received. With regard to the last part of the Question, such evidence as I have does not lead me to the view that the federation has the confidence of small manufacturers throughout the country.

Sir P. Hannon

Is the Minister keeping in mind that this organisation has no relationship to the present existing National Union of Manufacturers, which has been carrying on its activities for several years?

Mr. Burgin

Yes, Sir, that is quite clear.

Mr. Davidson

When the Minister met representatives of this federation did they agree that any representation should be made through small groups, through this Mr. MacDonald, through the federation, or through the small groups themselves?

Mr. Burgin

I cannot answer that without notice. I did not receive the deputation myself, and it would involve looking up the Minutes.

Mr. Hopkinson

Has this association any representatives in this House?

Mr. Burgin

Not that I know of.