HC Deb 03 April 1940 vol 359 cc163-4
24. Mr. Levy

asked the First Commissioner of Works how many local government and private buildings have been taken over by his Department for Government purposes; how many are vacant; and what is the estimated annual cost of these seizures by way of rent, compensation or other charges?

The First Commissioner of Works (Mr. Ramsbotham)

The number of buildings now held under requisitioning powers by my Department is 1,131, of which 13 are local authority premises. 176 of the premises are vacant. Of the 1,131 premises requisitioned, some 650 are slaughterhouses. I regret that it is not possible to assess the annual cost which will eventually result from the settlement of claims until they have all been received and examined.

Mr. R. Gibson

May I ask how many of the buildings requisitioned are hotels?

25. Mr. Levy

asked the First Commissioner of Works on what terms the Assembly Rooms, in Bath, have been taken over for use as a Civil Service canteen?

Mr. Ramsbotham

In consequence of large increases in staff and in order to provide more accommodation, arrangements have been made to use about one-third of the Assembly Rooms for restaurant purposes. The accommodation has been requisitioned and the terms are at present under discussion. As the accommodation taken over will only be required between about 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. the use of part of the premises by Government staffs should not interfere with the normal use of the Assembly Rooms for evening entertainment.