HC Deb 21 February 1939 vol 344 cc186-7
30. Miss Wilkinson

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will consider paying such officers of the headquarters staffs of the Auxiliary Territorial Service as are paid in the Territorial Army, in order to widen the circle from which candidates for these posts can be chosen?

Sir V. Warrender

I do not follow the exact meaning of the question. Members of the Territorial Army, except those who are holding certain Command and Staff appointments open to either Regular or Territorial officers, and for which no parallel exists in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, are not paid in peace except when performing full-time training. Members of the Auxiliary Territorial Service receive allowances for camp and drills. It has always been the particular characteristic of the Territorial Army that it relies upon the patriotism of voluntary effort, and I trust that the same principle will prevail in the Auxiliary Territorial Service.

Miss Wilkinson

I am sorry that I did not make my question clear. May I ask whether it is not a fact that Headquarters full time administrative staff is paid, and that it is extremely difficult for the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service to get a full-time technical administrative staff unless they are able to pay for the service?

Sir V. Warrender

I do not quite understand what the hon. Lady means. The Headquarters staff of Territorial Associations do not receive pay. There are of course officers in the War Office concerned with the administration of the Territorial Army. They receive pay as regular officers.

Miss Wilkinson

As it is somewhat difficult to deal with this matter by question and answer, perhaps the hon. and gallant Member will allow me to come and see him on the matter?

Sir V. Warrender
