HC Deb 03 November 1938 vol 340 c349
11. Mr. Roland Robinson

asked the Minister of Labour what increase there has been in the granting of holidays with pay this year?

Mr. E. Brown

It is estimated that the number of wage-earners covered by collective agreements providing for annual holidays with pay which have been made since the beginning of 1938 is about 1,250,000. The total number of wage-earners covered by all the collective agreements now known to be in operation is about 4,000,000. It is not known to what extent holidays with pay have been granted by individual employers in industries in which there are no collective agreements. It is estimated, however, that annual consecutive days of holiday with pay in some form or another are provided for about 8,750,000 people in all. This figure includes such persons as salaried workers, shop assistants and domestic servants.

Mr. Robinson

Can the right hon. Gentleman say when it is proposed to have further legislation on this subject?

Mr. Brown

Since the decision was announced to the House, there has been continued increase in the number of agreements, and we shall do our best to further these agreements in the next two years.

Mr. T. Smith

Does that statement include the mining industry, and, if so, is the right hon. Gentleman aware that many of the agreements are not for holidays with pay?

Mr. Thorne

Are we to understand that this Government is to be in power for another two years?

Mr. Brown

I hope so, and more than that.

Mr. Hannah

What Government could take their place?