HC Deb 31 May 1938 vol 336 cc1814-5
34. Mr. Westwood

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that the medical officer of health for the county of Augus reported that last quarter six cows were slaughtered out of registered dairies; that only one cow was reported to the authority by the owner; that out of the six cows five were cases of advanced tuberculosis; that after the owner of one dairy had been struck off the list of registered dairies the Milk Marketing Board continued to purchase diseased milk from him; and what action does he propose to enforce the purchasing of pure milk by the Milk Marketing Board?

Mr. Colville

I have seen the report to which the hon. Member refers. I understand that even advanced tuberculosis in cows can frequently be discovered only on careful veterinary inspection, and in accordance with statutory requirements frequent veterinary inspection of all dairy herds is made. With reference to the last two parts of the question, the dairy referred to had been struck off the register on account of its structural condition, not because cows in it were diseased, and as my hon. Friend informed the hon. Member last week the Milk Marketing Board have now ceased to accept milk from it.

Mr. Westwood

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that careful veterinary inspection has taken place in the county of Angus?

Mr. Colville

The hon. Member will probably be aware that the recent Tuberculosis Order, 1938, requires a dairyman to notify a police constable or veterinary inspector if any of his cows are affected by a chronic cough or show signs of tuberculosis. I hope that that will help the administration.

Mr. Westwood

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that only one dairyman reported in connection with one of these cows, and what action is to be taken against the other five dairymen who did not report cases of this kind?

Mr. Colville

The Order to which I refer is a very recent one, and I hope it will produce very good results.