HC Deb 03 February 1938 vol 331 cc369-71
34. Mr. Magnay

asked the Home Secretary whether he has any information to give the House as to the advertised holding, during the month of April in London, of a World Conference of Godless Agencies; and whether, in view of the fact that a number of undesirable aliens are likely to seek to attend such a conference and the breaches of the peace which would result, he will refuse to allow the conference to be held?

38. Sir Cooper Rawson

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to the proposed holding of a godless congress in London on 6th April, 1938, towards the expense of which the Russian Soviet Organisation of the Godless has contributed 150,000 roubles; and whether he will prevent any meetings being held in public in order to avoid a breach of the peace?

Sir S. Hoare

I have no information as to a conference of the godless to be held in London in April next nor as to any contribution by the Russian Soviet Organisation of the Godless, but I understand that a joint committee of four English societies have extended an invitation to the International Federation of Freethinkers to hold its quinquennial Conference in London in September next, it being 50 years since a similar conference was held in this country. As regards any action on my part, I regret that I cannot usefully add anything to the reply which I gave to a question on this subject on 11th November last by my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Chertsey (Commander Marsden).

Mr. Magnay

If I produce to the right hon. Gentleman the information upon which these questions are founded, will he look into the matter and give it every consideration?

Sir S. Hoare

Certainly, I will gladly consider any information which my hon. Friend gives me.

Sir C. Rawson

Is there any analogy between the freethinkers and these god less Russians? [interruption.] In my pocket I have information—

Mr. Gallacher

On a point of Order. Should not the hon. Member specify in which category he places me, when he makes a reference to the godless Russians and the English freethinkers and says I am one of them? I want him to specify in which category he places me, and to ask whether he is allowed to make such a reference.

Mr. Speaker

I did not know that any reference had been made.

Sir C. Rawson

When the question was first asked, the hon. Member made some funny noise and one assumed that he was one of them. I wish to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he would consider the documentary evidence which I have that this conference is to take place and, in view of the appeal by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the activities of the Oxford Group and other organisations, he would try to prevent religious conflict taking place that would be very much more serious than at a political conference?

Mr. McGovern

Has the right hon. Gentleman any information regarding the proposed godless conference and whether General Franco will be present?

Mr. Gallacher

Is it not the case that the societies to which reference has been made are quite respectable bourgeois societies, with representatives of the Lords and Commons upon their executive boards?

Sir S. Hoare

I have been asked a number of supplementary questions to which I am not in a position to give answers. I have told the House that I have no more information than that which I have just given in answer to the question. I know nothing about these organisations.

Mr. Thurtle

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman a further supplementary question?

Mr. Speaker

The right hon. Gentleman says that he knows nothing about the matter, so it seems no good doing so.

Mr. Thurtle

I wanted to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he would direct his inquiries into a certain line which I think would give him the information which he requires.

Sir S. Hoare

I am always quite ready to receive information on this subject from any hon. Member.