HC Deb 22 November 1937 vol 329 cc848-9
56. Mr. Short

asked the Postmaster-General what was the total annual contribution from Post Office revenue to the Treasury; and whether he will consider making use of this amount to provide for the restoration of the penny post, and also improve the wages of the Post Office workers?

Major Tryon

The annual contribution from Post Office revenue to the Exchequer was fixed by the Finance Act, 1937, at £10,750,000. Any alteration in this arrangement would require legislation and would involve the consideration of the future rate of contribution in relation to the finances of the country as a whole.

Mr. Short

Why does not the right hon. and gallant Gentleman revolt against this payment and do his duty by the public and the workers in the Post Office?

Major Tryon

I think that either under this system or under a system where all the services are managed by the State, it is necessary that these services should yield some revenue.

Mr. Paling

In an organisation where a good many people are getting such low wages and work such long hours, is there not room, within this large sum, to make reparation to the workers?

Major Tryon

The question of wages is being considered at the present moment.