HC Deb 26 July 1937 vol 326 cc2811-3

"That a sum, not exceeding £31,436,000, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1938, for Expenditure in respect of the Army Services, namely:

3. Medical Services 1,055,000
4. Educational Establishments 1,053,000
5. Quartering and Movements 1,909,000
6. Supplies, Road Transport and Remounts 6,005,000
7. Clothing 1,565,000
8. General Stores 2,923,000
9. Warlike Stores 15,880,000
12. War Office 1,046,000

Question put,

The Committee proceeded to a Division and The DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN stated that he thought the "Ayes" had it; and on his decision being challenged, it appeared to him that the Division was unnecessarily claimed, and he accordingly called upon the Members who supported and who challenged his decision successively to rise in their places, and he declared the "Ayes" had it, eleven Members only who challenged his decision having stood up.