HC Deb 07 July 1937 vol 326 c339
42. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Minister of Transport what progress has been made in each of the Highland counties with the five-year plan for Highland roads; what amount of money has been paid in 100 per cent. grants under the scheme up to the present; what amount has been allocated to the Isle of Lewis so far and what amount to the rest of the Outer Hebrides; and whether progress under the scheme has been satisfactory?

Mr. Burgin

Up to the present II contracts have been let for works to be carried out in the area referred to under the direct control of the Ministry of Transport, representing an estimated total cost of £743,000. In addition five schemes have recently been put in hand by the county council at an estimated cost of £280,000. The amount paid out to date is £326,000. The allocation is to the crofter counties as a whole and each proposal is considered and dealt with as it arises. The contracts already let include over £140,000 in respect of road A.859 in Lewis and Harris.

Mr. MacMillan

Is the Minister satisfied that the scheme, which was described as a five-year plan to spend £4,250,000, is progressing satisfactorily?

Mr. Burgin

I am quite content with the progress of the scheme.