HC Deb 07 July 1937 vol 326 cc339-40
38. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has any policy and programme for the extension of the grid system to the North of Scotland; and whether he can say when this work will be undertaken and when the supply will be available for industrial purposes.

Mr. Burgin

It falls to the Electricity Commissioners to prepare any scheme for extending the Grid system to North Scotland; and the question of adopting and carrying into effect the scheme is one for the Central Electricity Board. I understand that the Commissioners, after consultation with the Board from time to time, have been satisfied hitherto that no advantage would result from the preparation of a Grid scheme for this area, but they keep the position under constant review.

Mr. MacMillan

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that one-fifth of the whole area of Great Britain is awaiting development along these lines, and have the Government no policy to deal with it?

Mr. Burgin

That has nothing in the wide world to do with the question.

Mr. MacMillan

I think it has a lot to do with it.