HC Deb 27 April 1937 vol 323 cc151-2
10. Mr.Lennox-Boyd

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that two months ago the Altos Hornos Company, ironfounders, of Bilbao, was ordered by the Basque Government to sell its Spanish ships and put them under the British flag in an attempt to escape General Franco's impending blockade; and whether he can state the number of ships so sold and the percentage of the crews that is of British nationality?

Mr. Runciman

There are no records of any of the ships owned by the Altos Hornos Company of Bilbao having been transferred to the British flag during the present conflict in Spain. The second part of the question does not arise.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

May I ask my right hon. Friend whether, in view of the possible dangerous results of that transaction, he will cause inquiries to be made so that he will be in a position to answer the question in detail later on?

Mr. Runciman

I think the answer is quite clear about the Hornos Company. If there are any other cases to which my hon. Friend wishes to draw my attention, I will be happy to inquire into them.

Mr. Thurtle

May we take it that, according to the right hon. Gentleman's information, the statements contained in this question are unfounded?

38. Mr. Mander

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is now proposed that the British Ambassador to the Government of Spain will proceed shortly to Valencia?

The Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Viscount Cranborne)

No change in the present arrangement is contemplated at present.

Mr. Mander

Is it not very unusual for an Ambassador to live for a considerable period outside the country to which he has been accredited?

Viscount Cranborne

The hon. Member will realise that the situation is not absolutely normal. In the difficulties of the present time it is convenient, and in the present situation on the Northern Coast of Spain, that the Ambassador should be available to keep in close touch with the naval authorities.

Mr. Mander

Is it not perfectly safe in Valencia and Madrid?

Mr. H. G. Williams

Is it not more convenient, for the purpose of conveying protests to General Franco, that the British Ambassador should be located near him?

Vice-Admiral Taylor

Why should the question of safety come into it?