HC Deb 19 April 1937 vol 322 c1398
6. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the Government of India has considered the advisability of releasing all political prisoners in India against whom no charge has been levelled as a Coronation gesture; and, if so, with what result?

Mr. Butler

Since the commencement of Part III of the Government of India Act, 1935, any questions as to the release of prisoners or persons under detention are now matters for decision by the provincial governments concerned.

Mr. Williams

Could not the hon. Gentleman suggest to his right hon. Friend the desirability of recommending such a gesture as is made in the question?

Mr. Butler

In view of the fact that there is responsible government in the Indian provinces, I think we should leave the matter to them.

Mr. Williams

Will the hon. Gentleman ask his right hon. Friend to suggest this gesture to the provincial governments?