§ 32. Mr. J. HALLasked the Minister of Agriculture what pubic bodies, if any, have made representations to him in respect of the refusal of the Bacon Development Board to permit a bacon factory to be established in the Bridgwater district; and what action he proposes to take in the matter?
§ The MINISTER of AGRICULTURE (Mr. Elliot)I have received representations on this subject from the Bridgwater Town Council, and I have invited their attention to the provisions of the Bacon Development Scheme, relating to the settlement of such disputes by arbitration.
§ 33. Mr. HALLasked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will state, in respect of factories licensed by the Bacon Development Board, the number which are controlled by private companies and the number which are controlled on a cooperative basis?
§ Mr. ELLIOTI am informed by the Bacon Development Board that 736 producers' licences are at present in force under the Bacon Development Scheme. Of these, 130 are held by co-operative concerns, one by a local authority and 605 by private concerns.