§ Order for Consideration of Lords Amendments read.
§ Motion made, and Question, "That the Lords Amendments be now considered," put, and agreed to.—[Mr. Ramsbotham.]
§ Lords Amendments considered accordingly.
- CLAUSE 5.—(Obligation of owners of rent-charges to give particulars thereof to the Commission.) 68 words cc1000-1
- CLAUSE 7.—(Issue of stock and provisions as to beneficial interests therein.) 146 words c1001
- CLAUSE 8.—(Transitional provisions as to interest on stock.) 143 words cc1001-2
- CLAUSE 12.—(Transfer of management of annuities from Commission to Commissioners of Inland Revenue.) 225 words cc1002-3
- CLAUSE 14.—(Remission of excess of annuity over one-third of annual value of agricultural land.) 187 words cc1003-6
- CLAUSE 16.—(Recovery of annuities from owners of land.) 1,251 words cc1007-8
- CLAUSE 20.—(Recovery of tithe rentcharge due on or before 1st October, 1936.) 621 words cc1008-9
- CLAUSE 31.—(Liabilities to repair chancels, etc.) 237 words c1009
- CLAUSE 32.—(Furnishing of information to rating authorities.) 124 words cc1010-1
- NEW CLAUSE A.—(Limitation of personal liability of trustees, etc., as owners of land.) 386 words c1011
- CLAUSE 34.—(Application to Grown Lands, etc.) 59 words c1011
- CLAUSE 38.—(Power of Queen Anne's Bounty to make consequential adjustments.) 94 words cc1011-2
- CLAUSE 42.—(Serving of Notices.) 160 words cc1012-3
- FIRST SCHEDULE. 373 words cc1013-4
- THIRD SCHEDULE.—(Persons to whom stock is to be issued.) 655 words c1015
- SIXTH SCHEDULE.—(Method of Ascertainment of Compensation for Redemption of Corn Rents, etc.) 277 words cc1015-7
- EIGHTH SCHEDULE.—(Powers of Queen Anne's Bounty.) 708 words cc1017-21
- NINTH SCHEDULE.—(Enactments repealed.) 1,281 words