HC Deb 20 July 1936 vol 315 cc28-9
51. Mr. WHITE

asked the Minister of Labour what action is taken by the Unemployment Assistance Board to secure that the needs of applicants for allowances are met in cases where their allowance is determined by reference to family contributions which are not in fact paid?

Lieut.-Colonel MUIRHEAD

As was explained by my right hon. Friend in his reply to the hon. Member on 2nd July, the determinations of the board must, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, be based on the resources of the household, and not on the amounts of contributions assumed to be made by them.


Is the Minister aware of the extraordinary difficulty caused, particularly in mining areas where miners work for only three or five days, and can he advise the board to make weekly instead of monthly determinations so that the actual wages may be taken into account?

Lieut.-Colonel MUIRHEAD

This is a very wide question, and perhaps the hon. Member will put it down?


Will the Minister not make further inquiry into this very important matter to find out how it works? The difficulty is constantly occurring and, can he not find out what can be done to mitigate the hardships that arise?

Lieut.-Colonel MUIRHEAD

My right hon. Friend, when giving on 2nd July substantially the same answer that I have given, told the hon. Gentleman that if he had any particular cases which illustrated the point he had in mind, and would bring them to my right hon. Friend, they would be investigated.